
How to Conserve

Small actions at home can save thousands of gallons and more. We need it. After all, the Blue River is expected to see a major gap between water supplies and demands by 2050. Just how short will we be? Around 15 billion gallons, or the amount of water used by more than 100,000 families each year.

Ways to Save

  • Spend five minutes or less in the shower. This uses less water than a bath.
  • Install a high-efficiency showerhead. Or sign up for Tame the Tap and let HC3 do it for you.
  • Replace an old toilet with a high-efficiency toilet, which can pay for itself over time in water savings. If you participate in HC3’s Free Water Checkups, you’re eligible for a $100 rebate.
  • Turn off the water while shaving, brushing, and lathering.
  • Do not let water run while hand-washing dishes.
  • Wash only full loads in the washing machine and dishwasher.

Ask Eartha: How to have a beautiful yard without wasting water.

Local Water Conservation

Summit County is home to the Blue River, a headwaters region for the mighty Colorado River. Located in the High Rockies, this watershed plays a critical role for the health and vibrancy of this major river basin in the western United States. Not only does water from Summit County make it to the Pacific Ocean, but also to the Gulf of Mexico through trans-mountain diversion projects. All of this makes the Blue River Watershed a crucial player in water health and availability.

Check out what your town is doing to conserve water.

Photo by Bill Linfield.

Water Efficiency Plans

In 2017, HC3 and five water providers in Summit County partnered for the development of a regional water efficiency plan, which addresses common themes and water saving opportunities. Individual plans (for four of the five providers) represent the unique needs of each community. Click on the plans to learn more!

Regional Water Plan

Blue River Watershed WEP

Town of Breckenridge

Town of Breckenridge

Town of Dillon

Town of Dillon

Copper Mtn. Metro

Copper Mountain Consolidated Metropolitan District

Town of Frisco

Town of Frisco
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